Boeotian Plank Idol of a Goddess
Culture: Greek/Boeotian
Period: 6th century B.C.
Material: Terracotta
Dimensions: 25.6 cm high
Price: Sold
Ref: 2471
Provenance: From the old German collection Christian Rolle, with the inventory number 166. Thence with Antikenkabinett Gackstätter with the list number 0991. With the original certificate of the Antikenkabinett Gackstätter. Last in a Munich collection of ancient idols.
Condition: Professionally reassembled from three pieces. With abundantly preserved polychromy.
Description: Large, hand made plank idol with a flat body, merging into an oval base ring towards the bottom and towards the top to a sculptural head with a face formed from a matrix. The face with archaic features, large eyes framed in black, red cheeks and a broad, smiling, red mouth. Long, black painted hair cascading on the sides to the shoulders. The goddess wears a high, cupped polos with a semi-circular, beak-shaped bulge. The short arms are stretched out sideways and slightly bent forward. On the entire front of the body abundantly preserved painting of red and black lines. On the chest a red hatched area. Red bands around the neck represent jewellery. Idols such as the present one possibly depict goddesses (Demeter, Hera?). Due to the headdress they are also called Papades. Mounted.