Danubian Mystery Plate
Culture: Roman/Danube region
Period: 3rd-4th century A.D.
Material: Lead
Dimensions: 9.3 cm x 7.9 cm
Price: Sold
Ref: 3021
Provenance: Ex- Artemide Aste auction November 2012
Condition: Excellent condition, very rare in this quality.
Description: Plate with a relief depicting the following: Inside of an aedicula with Corinthian capitals, an arched gable with garlands and snakes in the gussets one can see a representation of many figures. The ensemble is crowned by frontal jumping quadriga of Sol. Helena stands in the middle among Dioscuri, the one on the right riding on a defeated enemy, the left one on a fish. Left thereof is a soldier, on the other side a man wearing a toga. At the bottom are two peasants harvesting, at the center three figures standing around a table with a fish and on the left two more figures.