Large Plate Fibula with Bowl Attachment
Culture: Northern Europe
Period: 9th-8th century B.C.
Material: Bronze
Dimensions: 25.7 cm long
Price: Sold
Ref: 5122
Provenance: Private collection USA. 2018 with Artemis Gallery. There sold as Greek fibula.
Condition: Both plates professionally restored, chips on the rim and bowl attachments.
Description: Large bronze fibula, with two circular plates arched outwards, with profiling on the rims. In the centre of the plate set off bowls, which should indicate nipples. On the outside each an eyelet for fastening on a costume. The plates were cast together with a clamp, which connects them in the middle. The clamp with a raised, fluted middle ridge and fine fluting on the outside. A separately worked out fibula pin is circularly mounted on one clamp arm. Plate fibulas such as the present one were in particular found in Northern Germany, Poland and Scandinavia. Mounted.