Faience Necklace with Horus Eye

Culture: Egyptian
Period: Late period, 664-332 B.C.
Material: Faience, textile
Dimensions: 75 cm long
Price: 800 Euro
Ref: 1542
Provenance: Rhenish private collection prior to 2002. Thence in the collection Erika Erika Krautkrämer (1932-2022).
Condition: Intact and ready to wear.
Description: Modern on a textile band threaded necklace of small, possibly belonging faience beads in different colours. In the centre a large eye of Horus of Egyptian blue faience. The Eye of Horus is the restored left eye (“Moon eye”) of the light god Horus, which was healed and restored by the Egyptian god Thoth. It is also called udjat eye (udjat = intact, complete, unhurt, healthy). According to its meaning udjat amulets had apotropaic functions and should protect against illnesses. Ready to wear.