Herm of Dionysus
Culture: Roman
Period: 1st-2nd century A.D.
Material: Giallo antico
Dimensions: 18.4 cm high
Price: Sold
Ref: 3116
Provenance: Collection Francois Verliac (1914-1991), acquired in the 1970s.
Condition: The nose chipped, some small chips on the edges, but no restorations.
Description: Finely worked herm head of Dionysus made of giallo antico, the “yellow marble”, which was mainly exploited in the north African city Simitthu (today Tunis). The bearded god with a long moustache twisted outwards, wearing the typical corkscrew fore curls as well as a hair band, which tightly pulls his hair back. Two hair curls falling sideways on his shoulders. The recessed eyes once had inlays. Mounted.