Italic Breastplate “Kardiophylax”
Culture: Italic/Villanova
Period: 1st half of 7th century B.C.
Material: Bronze
Dimensions: 24.5 cm in diameter
Price: Sold
Ref: 4136
Provenance: From an old Dutch collection.
Condition: Unrestored, with missing parts as shown in the photograph.
Description: Very abundantly decorated, slightly convex bronze breastplate. Concentric circles punched in the center, from which five star-shaped arms with dotted outer sides extend, between which knobs are arranged. Outgoing from this knobbed cross, extremely fine ornamental bands that are decorated with hatched and punched internal engraving in the form of zigzag lines, circular eyes, triangles and lines, among other things. A total of four pairs of holes near the rim for suspension to the leather. Disks like this were worn as armor to protect the heart, which is why they are also known as kardiophylaxes. Mounted.