Maya Terracotta Protome in Form of a Jaguar Head

Culture: Maya/Yucatan
Period: 6th-9th century A.D.
Material: Terracotta
Dimensions: 6.5 cm high
Price: 400 Euro
Ref: 11015
Provenance: Austrian private collection Prof. Josef Mairitsch (1938-1994). Acquired between 1960 and the early 1980s. Thence in the family estate. With a collection note.
Condition: Unrestored
Description: Terracotta protome in the shape of a jaguar head from a Maya figurine vase. The red brown head with beautiful details in white and black. The semi-circular ears raised, the eyes sculpturally protruding. The mouth is almost tenderly depicted with broad lips and a supposed smile. A beautiful vase fragment dating from the period of the Maya.