Published Fragment of a Military Diploma dating to the Reign of Elagabal
Culture: Roman
Period: 7th January 222 A.D.
Material: Bronze
Dimensions: 14.2 cm x 9.8 cm
Price: 2 400 Euro
Ref: 3467
Provenance: From the German collection Peter Weiß, acquired between 1967 and 2015.
Condition: Fragment of beautiful quality with dark green patina and traces of corrosion.
Description: Fragment of a military diploma dating to the period of Elagabal, of which four fragments of the left half of the Tabella II are preserved. Based on the title of Elagabl and Severus Alexander as Caesar the diploma is to be dated to 7 January 222. The name of the recipient is not preserved, but the one of his father Bithus from Philippopolis in Thrace. Published in: P. Holder "Roman Military Diplomas V (2006), p. 894, no. 459. As well as in: Peter Weiß "Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 127", 1999, p. 239-241.